Application for Networks to join the SDSN
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) invites institutions to join a global problem-solving network for sustainable development. Participation in the SDSN is open to universities, research institutes, civil society organizations, science-oriented foundations, and other institutions that have deep expertise in one or more areas related to sustainable development, and who commit a substantial amount of their own technical and research work towards finding and/or implementing solutions for sustainable development.
Universities can join at the level of the university or an individual department/institute. If several departments/institutes at a university are interested in joining the SDSN appropriate arrangements will be worked out on a case-by-case basis.
There are no costs associated with membership in the SDSN. Any institution interested in joining the SDSN is invited to complete this form and submit it to the SDSN Secretariat through this web portal. The form contains questions about your institution, its sustainable development activities, and your proposed involvement with SDSN. You can save an incomplete form and return later to complete and submit. Based upon a review of the material received, the Executive Committee of the SDSN Leadership Council will appoint organizations to join.
More information on the SDSN is available on The benefits of membership are outlined at In case you have any questions please contact us at