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Under the auspices of the Secretary-General, the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET) constitutes a global, high-level body of engineers and energy systems experts to contribute to the UN Secretary-General’s goal to build a coalition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and to the UN generally on engineering pathways to achieve comprehensive decarbonization by mid-century. The work of the CEET is undertaken by independent and impartial, as well as recognized global experts serving in their personal capacity and responding to requests for information by the UN System.

Council’s Mandate 

The Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET) is an independent advisory body to the UN Secretary-General and it will contribute to his call to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals during the Decade of Action by providing scientific and technical advice on roadmaps to decarbonization by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement and the findings of the IPCC 1.5-Degree Report. Such roadmaps will be gender sensitive taking into consideration that societal and cultural roles determine that women and men have different needs and priorities with regards to energy, and that women in their multiple roles as consumers, producers, and researchers are key agents to facilitate energy transitions. 

World-class engineers will be drawn from a balanced mix of diverse sectors (power, industry, transport, buildings, chemicals), stakeholders (academia, business, and international organizations), and geographic regions, while aiming for a gender and cultural balanced representation and diversity.

Scope of Work 

The CEET will report on pathways to zero-carbon energy systems and engage the global engineering community on key priorities for the energy transition. CEET core activities will focus on:

  • Solving the challenges of scaling key technologies in support of the global energy transition;
  • Recommending guidelines to support Nationally Determined Contributions in line with the Paris Agreement;
  • Publishing technical briefs on zero-carbon technologies, including breakthrough technologies;
  • Analyzing sectoral and integrated pathways at regional and local levels;
  • Providing guidance and technical advice from a globally diverse expert perspective, ensuring a gender responsive energy transition and decarbonization.

Modality of Work 

The CEET, as an independent advisory council to the UN Secretary-General, will be led and co-chaired by the Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the President of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), building on an existing partnership between the SDSN and Enel Foundation (EF) to engage important partners from the United Nations (UN), academia, and business realms to support the decarbonization of energy systems in line with the Paris Agreement goals. At the invitation of the Co-Chairs, the CEET will meet one to two times per year, for example, in the margins of the annual UNFCCC COP, the International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum, the High-Level Political Forum, and the SDG Summit. 

The terms of service will be for one year in length, with possibility to extend, starting in June 2024. The confirmed members will be expected to participate in virtual monthly meetings with working groups as assigned, and to be available for a minimum of 5 hours/month to participate in CEET activities and potentially more when writing is underway. The confirmed members will also be expected to participate in their personal capacities without remuneration, however any necessary travel or meeting expenses may be covered. Proficiency in the English language is required for participation in the CEET.

Member Criteria: 

  • Formal engineering training or equivalent experience;  
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in the engineering realm facing issues at the intersection of engineering and climate change issues;  
  • Demonstrated commitment, interest, and leadership in engineering topics as they pertain to climate and energy;  
  • Desire to serve global community through collaboration;  
  • Demonstrated exceptional writing, analytical, critical thinking, public speaking, and communication skills - publications, presentations, research, etc.; 
  • Experience drafting recommendations and working collaboratively with teams to develop recommendations; 
  • Experience with developing and implementing long-term strategies, especially in building consensus and navigating disagreement and diplomacy; 
  • Experience working with diverse stakeholders with a wide variety of strong relationships in the climate and engineering sectors.

In order to proceed with the application, you must first create a free Submittable account below. Once you have created an account, the draft of your online application will be saved on it, and you can return to it at any time before actually submitting.


The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) invites institutions to join a global problem-solving network for sustainable development. Participation in the SDSN is open to universities, research institutes, civil society organizations, science-oriented foundations, and other institutions that have deep expertise in one or more areas related to sustainable development, and who commit a substantial amount of their own technical and research work towards finding and/or implementing solutions for sustainable development.

Universities can join at the level of the university or an individual department/institute. If several departments/institutes at a university are interested in joining the SDSN appropriate arrangements will be worked out on a case-by-case basis.

There are no costs associated with membership in the SDSN. Any institution interested in joining the SDSN is invited to complete this form and submit it to the SDSN Secretariat through this web portal. The form  contains questions about your institution, its sustainable development activities, and your proposed involvement with SDSN. You can save an incomplete form and return later to complete and submit. Based upon a review of the material received, the Executive Committee of the SDSN Leadership Council will appoint organizations to join.

More information on the SDSN is available on The benefits of membership are outlined at In case you have any questions please contact us at


The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) invites institutions to join a global problem-solving network for sustainable development. Participation in the SDSN is open to universities, research institutes, civil society organizations, science-oriented foundations, and other institutions that have deep expertise in one or more areas related to sustainable development, and who commit a substantial amount of their own technical and research work towards finding and/or implementing solutions for sustainable development. 

Universities can join at the level of the university or an individual department/institute. If several departments/institutes at a university are interested in joining the SDSN appropriate arrangements will be worked out on a case-by-case basis. 

There are no costs associated with membership in the SDSN. Any institution interested in joining the SDSN is invited to complete this form and submit it to the SDSN Secretariat through this web portal. The form  contains questions about your institution, its sustainable development activities, and your proposed involvement with SDSN. You can save an incomplete form and return later to complete and submit. Based upon a review of the material received, the Executive Committee of the SDSN Leadership Council will appoint organizations to join.

More information on the SDSN is available on The benefits of membership are outlined at In case you have any questions please contact us at


Le Réseau des Solutions pour le Développement Durable des Nations Unies (SDSN pour Sustainable Development Solutions Network en anglais) accepte les candidatures d’institutions intéressées à rejoindre un réseau international pour le développement durable et les ODD. 

L’adhésion au SDSN est ouverte aux universités, aux instituts de recherche, aux organisations de société civile, aux fondations, et à d’autres institutions qui ont une expertise dans un ou plusieurs domaines liés au développement durable, et qui s’engagent à consacrer une partie considérable de leur propre travail technique et de recherche en vue de trouver et/ou mettre en œuvre des solutions pour le développement durable.

Il n'y a pas de frais associés à l’adhésion au SDSN. Toute institution intéressée et qui souhaite adhérer au SDSN est invitée à compléter ce formulaire et le soumettre au Secrétariat du SDSN.

Les avantages de l’adhésion SDSN (en français) et les statuts des membres du SDSN sont décrits en détail sur notre site web (en anglais uniquement): Dans le cas où vous auriez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à


A Rede de Soluções para ou Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Sustainable Development Solutions Network o SDSN) convida instituições a participar de uma rede global de resolução de problemas para o desenvolvimento sustentável. A participação na SDSN está aberta a universidades, institutos de pesquisa, organizações da sociedade civil, fundações voltadas para a ciência, e outras instituições que tenham um profundo conhecimento em uma ou mais áreas relacionadas com o desenvolvimento sustentável e que dediquem uma quantidade considerável de seu próprio trabalho técnico e de pesquisa no intuito de encontrar e / ou implementar soluções para o desenvolvimento sustentável.

As universidades podem aderir à rede no nível de universidade propriamente dito ou como um departamento específico e/ou instituto. Caso vários departamentos e/ou institutos de uma universidade estejam interessados em aderir à SDSN, arranjos adequados serão feitos para cada caso específico.

Não há custos associados com a adesão à SDSN. Qualquer instituição interessada em participar da SDSN está convidada a preencher este formulário e enviá-lo ao Secretariado da SDSN através deste site. Com base em uma revisão do material recebido, o Comitê Executivo do Conselho de Liderança SDSN irá nomear organizações para participar.

Mais informações sobre a SDSN estão disponíveis no site Os benefícios da adesão estão descritos mais especificamente em Caso você tenha alguma dúvida, por favor, entre em contato conosco pelo e-mail


La Red de Soluciones para el Desarrollo Sostenible (SDSN) invita a las instituciones a unirse a una red global de resolución de problemas para el desarrollo sostenible. La participación en SDSN está abierta a universidades, centros de investigación, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, fundaciones científicas y otras instituciones que tienen amplia experiencia en una o más áreas relacionadas con el desarrollo sostenible, y que contribuyen de manera sustancial a través de la búsqueda o implementación de soluciones para el desarrollo sostenible.

Las universidades pueden unirse a nivel institucional, como universidad o a nivel de departamento o instituto. Si varios departamentos / institutos de una misma universidad están interesados ​​en unirse a SDSN buscaremos una solución adaptada dependiendo de cada caso.

La adhesión a SDSN es totalmente gratuita. Se invita a cualquier institución interesada en unirse a SDSN a que cumplimenten este formulario. Las solicitudes se estudian y valoran de forma periódica. Después de una revisión del material recibido, el Comité Ejecutivo del Consejo de Liderazgo SDSN determinará que organizaciones serán admitidas.

Se solicita a los futuros nuevos miembros que rellenen el siguiente formulario. Si algunos apartados no  son aplicables a su organización, al final del formulario tendrá la oportunidad de proporcionar información adicional sobre su trabajo como estime necesario. Para más información sobre SDSN, puede consultar nuestra página web Los beneficios de ser miembros de SDSN están descritos y los estatutos de SDSN para los miembros se pueden ver aquí. En caso de que tenga alguna pregunta o necesite ayuda con el formulario, por favor escríbanos a